Tag Archives: dog walker

Doggy Dental Products

February is Pet Dental Health Month! This is a very important topic for those of you with dogs. Dental problems are quite common in our canine pals. Fido can develop many issues, including gum disease, abscesses, and cracked or broken teeth. These issues can become very painful, and can really impact your pup’s quality of life.

Many can also lead to dangerous infections. Keeping your furry buddy’s teeth healthy is very important! Of course, you’ll need proper tools to care for your pet’s choppers. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some doggy dental products below.


Toothbrushes are helpful with pups for the same reason they are for people: they’re very helpful in removing plaque and tartar. Be sure to get ones made specifically for Fido. The ones made for us aren’t angled the right way for dogs’ teeth. You can also try a finger toothbrush.


As with toothbrushes, you’ll need to stick with products made just for dogs. Fido will probably be more agreeable to having his choppers cleaned if he likes the taste of his toothpaste. Beef and chicken flavored ones are both pretty good bets!

Dental Flakes

Dental flakes, or dental powders, are additives that you would sprinkle on your furry pal’s food. Many of these products contain seaweed, which helps clean Fido’s mouth and freshen his breath.

Oral Rinses

There are a few types of oral rinses. Some you use to flush Fido’s teeth, much as you would use a mouthwash. Others you would add to his water. Ask your vet for more information.

Dental Chews

Some dental chews will work better than others. There are plenty to choose from. Just be sure to let Fido weigh in. Even the best brands won’t be very effective if your pooch doesn’t like them! You can also try adding toothpaste to a Nylabone, and just letting your canine buddy have at it.

Dental-Formula Treats

As the name suggests, dental-formula treats and kibble are formulated to fight plaque. These can also be an effective weapon in your doggy dental care arsenal.


Doggy dental products can be very helpful, but they’re not one-size-fits-all. Every pooch is different! Ask your veterinarian for specific recommendations. Also, be sure to get Fido’s teeth checked regularly.

Please reach out with any questions or concerns about your dog’s health or care. As your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, we’re here to help!