Tag Archives: dog skin health

5 Ways to Keep Your Dog’s Skin Healthy

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. The same is true for your dog! So, it makes sense that keeping your canine companion’s skin in good shape is the right thing to do. Read on for five tips from a Roanoke, VA veterinarian on keeping Fido’s skin healthy.

Feed the Proper Diet

One of the easiest and most effective ways to keep your dog’s skin healthy is to feed them a great diet. What your dog eats has a lot to do with how his skin and fur looks and feels! When Fido is receiving the proper nutrients through food, the skin and hair follicles stay healthy. Poor nutrition, on the other hand, makes for dry skin and a coarse, dull coat of fur. Ask your veterinarian for a recommendation on a great food choice for your pooch.

Groom Your Pup

Regular grooming is another simple way to make sure your dog’s skin stays healthy. Brushing your dog ensures that grime and dirt is removed from the coat and doesn’t start to irritate the skin. And the occasional bath is a great way to keep the skin clean and moisturized. Just make sure not to bathe Fido too frequently, because this can backfire and wind up drying out the skin and coat.

Protect Against the Sun

Just like you, too much exposure to the sun isn’t a good thing for your dog’s skin. Dogs can get sunburnt just as easily as you can! It’s not likely to happen on areas of the body that are covered by thick fur, but it can easily occur on areas with thin fur or no fur at all, like the bridge of the nose or edges of the ears. If your dog will be spending time outdoors, try applying a canine-specific sunscreen.

Keep Up With Preventatives

Of course, a flea or tick infestation isn’t good for your dog’s skin, or their health in general. Prevent the problem entirely by keeping your dog up to date on a heartworm preventative and a flea and tick medication. Call your veterinarian if your dog is in need of these medications.

Schedule Veterinary Checkups

Last but not least, having your vet evaluate your dog’s skin and fur health on a regular basis is a fantastic way to give yourself peace of mind. Schedule your pooch’s next office visit with your Roanoke, VA animal hospital. We’re here to help!