Tag Archives: dog paws

Spring Grooming for Dogs

Spring has officially sprung! As the weather warms up, many of our canine patients are changing out of their winter clothes, and stripping down to a lighter coat of fur. You know what that means: pet fur everywhere! A local Roanoke, VA vet offers some tips on grooming your four-legged friend below.


How often your pooch needs to be brushed will depend on the type of coat he has. However, many pups shed most heavily in spring. If your furry buddy is losing a thick winter coat, try to brush him daily. The shedding process will go more quickly, and you won’t find as much fur all over, well, everything. Take Fido outside for his beauty sessions when the weather is nice. That way, the extra fur will just blow away, instead of getting stuck to your sofa. And your chairs. And your rug. Plus, birds may even use it in their nests.


Most of our canine buddies don’t get bathed very much in winter. After all, you don’t want to take a wet dog out for a drying-off walk on a frigid day. By the time spring rolls around, Fido might be a bit stinky. Bathtime! Before getting started, gather everything you need in one spot. Some things that may come in handy are a rubber mat for your tub, towels, a pitcher for rinsing, and a washcloth for your furry pal’s face. You may also want to get a clear shower curtain with ‘arm holes’ cut into it. This works great as a splash guard. Use a shower caddy for storage, so you can store everything in once place. Don’t forget to give your pooch a yummy treat after!


Dogs’ paws often need some extra attention at this time of year. Winter’s dry air and cold temperatures can cause Fido’s paw pads to get rough, dry, and cracked. Running around on salt, sand, and ice doesn’t help matters any. Use paw balm or wax, olive oil, or coconut oil to soften your pet’s paw pads. As for your canine pal’s nails, give them a good trim too. You can use clippers or a grinder: just take care that you don’t cut into the quick, which is where your four-legged friend’s nerves and blood vessels end.

As your local Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic, we are here to help. Please contact us anytime!

Fido’s Furry Feet

Does your dog know cute paw tricks, like Shake or Gimme Five? These charming tricks will never stop being adorable. Of course, Fido’s paws are crucial to his health and well-being. A local Roanoke, VA vet offers some ‘pawesome’ tips on caring for your furry buddy’s feet in this article. 


Keeping your dog’s claws clipped is very important! Overgrown claws can easily snag and tear on things. Plus, they’re uncomfortable for Fido to walk on. Your pup may carry his weight differently as a result, which will strain his bones and joints. Many people are (understandably) uneasy about cutting their pets’ nails themselves. You may want to get a clipper with sensors. These will indicate where to cut, so you won’t have to worry about hurting your pet. Your vet can also show you proper techniques. Of course, you can always just call us to schedule a quick nail trim. 


Dogs use their paws as shock absorbers. Fido’s feet take all the impact from those jumps and happy dances! Treat your canine buddy to a gentle paw massage on occasion. 


Does Fido hate giving you his feet? Teach your pooch that he’ll get a yummy snack for letting you handle them. This can have a miraculous effect on your cute pet’s opinion on pawdicures! 

Toe Fur

Those toe fur tufts are cute, but it’s best to clip them. They can gather gunk, like mud and gum, and form mats, which can be quite uncomfortable. 


Get into the habit of checking Fido’s feet regularly. This is easy to work into cuddle time! You’ll want to look for things like swelling, cuts, and abrasions. If you spot anything unusual, or notice your four-legged friend licking or biting his paws, contact your vet. 


Your furry pal’s feet are very sensitive. Fido can get painful blisters by running around on hot tar or asphalt. Ice, salt, sand, and chemical de-icing agents can also cause burns and abrasions. Keep your pooch on soft ground as much as possible, especially when it’s hot or cold out.

Paw Pads

Dogs’ paw pads can get dry, cracked, and irritated, just like human skin. Use paw balm or wax to protect and moisturize your canine companion’s paws. Vaseline will also work. 

Please call us, your Roanoke, VA pet clinic, for all of your dog’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help.