Tag Archives: dog biscuits

Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

Dog owners, put a pawprint on your calendar for February 23rd: it’s Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day! Fido has many cute habits, but one of the most adorable is the way he perks up when he knows or suspects that you have a treat for him. A local Roanoke, VA vet goes over some do’s and don’ts of giving your canine pal snacks below.

Choosing Treats

Man’s Best Friend has a pretty robust appetite. Fido would likely be more than happy to test drive any type of treat you bring home. However, some are definitely better than others. Get into the habit of reading labels, and try to stick with brands that use whole, healthy ingredients. Avoid things with long lists of ingredients you can neither pronounce nor identify.


Treats are actually very beneficial for Fido. However, you don’t want to go overboard here. Treats should make up about five percent of his daily caloric intake.

Homemade Goodies

If you enjoy cooking, you can try making your pup’s biscuits. There are some great recipes online. Cooking for Fido also has some benefits: you’ll be able to determine exactly what your furry friend is eating. This is really helpful if your pup has any sort of dietary restrictions. You can also customize treats to your pet’s taste.

Human Foods

Some of the things we eat are fine for dogs. Plain meat, fish, or poultry, without the skin, bones, or fat, is always a good bet. Just be sure to avoid unsafe foods, such as garlic, onions, chocolate, alcohol, and xylitol. Meat on the bone is also a no-no, as are pitted fruits, processed foods, and anything high in salt, sugar, or fat. Ask your vet for more information on safe and unsafe foods.


Fido is very, very good at convincing us to share our treats with him. That furry face can be hard to ignore! However, don’t let your pooch wrap you around his paws. If you spoil your pet, you may find him becoming pushy or even aggressive. 

Tricks For Treats

Our canine companions truly do strive to please their humans. Have Fido work for his snacks! This is a great way to reinforce his training. Plus, you can show your furry buddy some cute tricks.

Do you have questions about your dog’s diet or care? Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic, today!