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Honoring Specially-Abled Pets

May 01, 2024

May 3rd is a significant day for a few of our adorable companions: it’s National Specially-Abled Pets Day. This memorable occasion honors the beloved pets that may not fit the traditional definition of perfection. Fido might have a leg missing, or Fluffy’s adorable ears might not work properly. However, this does not mean that they won’t be excellent companions. In fact, they might just be among the most amazing companions one could ask for! Continue reading to gain some valuable insight as a Troutville, VA veterinarian discusses pets with special needs.

What Does National Specially-Abled Pets Day Entail?

Specially-abled pets can also be referred to as having special needs. Interestingly, the day was initially named National Disabled Pets Day. The founder made the change to give it a more positive tone and shift the focus towards highlighting the abilities of these pets. These loving animals are fully able to love, able to entertain us, able to cuddle, and they are absolutely able to win our hearts. They can also play, cuddle, purr or wag their tails, and, like any other pet, find joy in a peaceful nap in their favorite spot.

What Are The Benefits Of Adopting A Specially-Abled Pet?

There are numerous reasons to consider adopting a specially-abled pet. These incredible animals offer the same companionship and joy that all of our other furry friends bring into our lives, and they bring us plenty of love, companionship, and plenty of joy.

Adopting a specially-abled pet can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Just like any other pets, specially-abled pets want love, care, toys, treats, and affectionate gestures, like belly rubs or ear scritches. Actually, many just want someone to love them and care for them. Understandably, they can form very strong emotional bonds with those who help them.

Do Pets With Special Needs Require Extra Care?

That’s not always the case. Interestingly, many pets with special needs do not require much more care than their able-bodied counterparts. Making a few adjustments can make a significant difference.  For instance, a deaf dog can be trained to understand and respond to hand signals and a waving flashlight, instead of relying on verbal commands. A blind dog may require additional measures to ensure their safety, such as petproofing their environment and using an extra harness and leash during walks. A diabetic pet may require a specialized diet and potentially insulin injections. (Although that may seem intimidating, once you become comfortable with it, it will only require a minute or so of your time each day.)

And then we have the tri-paweds, or our furry friends who get around on wheels. Pet wheelchairs have made significant advancements in recent years. Yes, you’ll have to deal with an extra device, but in the end, caring for a puppy that can’t use one or more of its legs might not be that different from caring for any other dog. It’s heartwarming to witness the pure happiness on the faces of these adorable dogs and cats as they run and play!

Why Don’t More People Adopt Specially-Abled Pets?

Regrettably, misinformation and misconceptions are the primary causes. Many people overlook these pets, making assumptions without giving them a chance. Some people believe that adopters should have medical or veterinary care experience, while others worry about the potential costs of veterinary care.

However, these things should not be assumed. For example, a pet that has undergone limb amputation may not require any additional veterinary care once it has fully recovered. Ultimately, all these animals will require a different level of care. 

However, it is crucial to select the perfect match. To be fair, a blind dog may not be the best choice for someone who enjoys hiking in the mountains. That said, if a cute pet catches your attention, then definitely take a closer look. Ask your Troutville, VA veterinarian  for further information.

What Are Specially-Abled Pets?

These cute and sweet pets are the same as any other animal: they just have a few missing or malfunctioning parts. Occasionally, pets with special needs may experience behavioral challenges, including anxiety.

In addition to that, we have dogs and cats who have diabetes on this roster. A FeLV-positive feline might additionally be considered specially-abled.

What do all of these guys have in common? A remarkable ability to experience love and be loved. It’s important to remember that pets are incredibly resilient and can bounce back from illness and injury. Pets don’t always think about things the same way we do. They embrace the present. Something to consider with vision and hearing impaired pets is the fact that Fido and Fluffy rely heavily on their sense of smell. They often adjust quite quickly to vision or hearing loss.

What Steps Should I Take To Prepare For Adopting A Specially-Abled Pet?

For the most part, this will be pretty similar to prepping for any other pet. Petproofing is essential. The specific steps you will need to take will vary depending on the type of pet you are getting. For example, if you’re getting a blind dog, putting down carpet runners to help Fido navigate his surroundings might be helpful. Stick-on air fresheners can also serve as helpful markers for puppies with limited vision. Also, you should block off any potentially dangerous areas, like a stove or stairs. If you’re thinking about adopting a deaf dog, you’ll want to make sure that your fencing is secure. Feel free to reach out to your local veterinarian for further details.

How Much Do Pets With Special Needs Cost?

It’s difficult to provide a definitive answer on price due to the wide range of variations. Nevertheless, numerous shelters and rescues provide specially-abled pets at reduced prices in order to help them find loving homes. Reach out to the shelter or rescue organization as well as your veterinarian. Asking for something never hurts, so it’s worth a try!

How Else Can I Support Pets With Special Needs?

Helping specially-abled pets goes beyond just adopting them; there are other ways to make a difference. One way to make a difference is by volunteering at a rescue or shelter that works with pets with special needs. If you have some spare time, you might want to consider exploring opportunities for volunteering or even fostering. Indeed, financial aid is also excellent. There are numerous exceptional rescue organizations that could greatly benefit from assistance!

Lastly, remember to share the information with others! Every little bit of help makes a difference! That applies to all worthwhile endeavors. When it comes to animal welfare, raising awareness about issues is crucial in sparking change. 

In conclusion: On National Specially-Abled Pets Day, we honor and celebrate these incredible pets who may have unique needs but are just as deserving of love and a forever home. This special day reminds us to open our hearts and consider adopting these amazing animals.

Schedule An Appointment At Our Troutville, VA Pet Clinic 

Do you need help with a pet that requires special care? Does your furry friend need to schedule an appointment? Contact us, your Troutville, VA  pet hospital, right away!

Posted in General Care

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Troutville VA 24175
t: (540) 966-1992
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